two things that couldn't be more opposite! first off sunday i took off to see the dalai lama (my second time) what a way to start the day. he will be receiving the congressional medal of honour this october. anyway, the first time i saw him a year ago he spoke on meditation. this time he spoke on the power of positive thinking and it was a wonderful talk. he has the deepest voice and chuckles frequently. i really had to pay attention to understand all his words as he does have an accent. but he has a sense of humor and such wise words. when he fist came up on the platform a actual heckler/protestor started ranting at him. apparently, there are some people who feel he should "go home" how to you protest a man who encourages the human race to be kinder and show more compassion towards each other? a man who does not ask for money, does not ask you to change your religion, he encourages us to be positive over negative. so, ya shame on the heckler.
ok so here is the second (opposite)
omgawd!!!!! did you all see "MY" pivs?? (jeremy pivens for those who don't know i go nuts for the guy, cutejewess is quite aware of my crush) entourage continues to be my absolute favorite show! great cast and a good story. i enjoy that show every time its on!! so, yes i started my sunday in a thoughtful, reflective, spiritual way and ended with hollywood stuff..... but hey, i'm just well rounded..... right? *sigh* smile. pivs.