Wednesday, June 13, 2007

acaligurl is quite pleased with people magazine's picks for sexiest men!
my fav's maxim! ludacris!! matthew!sexy isn't necessarily about looks, but style and personality, and in the case of kenny chesney HIS VOICE! and apolo his dancing moves, and well maxim ya, its the look for me.
i guess voices play quite a part as ludi, kenny, jt, & blake all sing.

people mag should do sexiest women too.!


wheresmymind said...

hehe..I know someone that worked with Kenny Chesney on a marketing project for an auto manufacturer and they all called him Kenny Cheesey behind his back. *grin* Having said that, I've never heard any of his music (big surprise given the movies I post on my site)

Anonymous said...

hey, they should do a sexy women issue. someone write a letter! lol.

B said...

how appropraite that you put JT on the top:)

Anonymous said...

i thought kenny is gay?