Thursday, January 11, 2007

guess who's coming to cali?

more becks : 6/21/06, 7/2/06, 9/17/06


DebbieDoesLife said...

I saw that in the paper! You are so lucky - he is HOTT!

Posh creeps me out though. What does he see in her?

londongirl said...

aren't you the lucky ones eh?

Cute Jewess said...

he can come, she can stay! wonder if you'll ever work on her face. and...what's real there?

acaligurl said...

cutej~ all the cash he's making...she's not leaving his side!!

Caroline said...

Yes, we've been waiting rather a long time for you to take them off our hands....

Thanks for that then!

L xx

The Dummy said...

In effect, it's kind of a big payday too for Posh, because if they divorce she'll get a piece of it too!

btw, thanks for reminding James about the roll call! Way to go partner!

Peggy said...

Perhaps she'll learn how to smile when they get to LA. I think she's embarrased about her teeth.

Good luck to both of them and to California!

meish said...

i haven't decided yet how i feel about this whole l.a. move, but i guess it's cool, and maybe i'll spot him on the streets!