Thursday, December 14, 2006

got the tree

ok, the husband came home with a tree!!

*** i'm a shmuck!! i feel bad ,thats not my tree!!! now i'm getting comments how pretty it is!! i will have my tree pic up tonite!!


Cute Jewess said...

What a pretty tree! Feel better soon, too!

Heather said...

phew!! One less thing you have to worry about!!

wheresmymind said...

Those real candles?

SendStories said...

That's a great looking tree!

(And btw - roll call!)

Anny said...

hahahahhaha. i WAS also gonna say, dayam that's a mighty good lookin tree.

Cute Jewess said...

I was all impressed that you'd decorated it so fast, hee.

Anonymous said...

*Gasp* That's gorgeous! Well done.


Unknown said...

that is a fine looking tree - time to post YOURS up!! thanks for your thoughts on my last post :)