Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

Lets go with the bad first, and get it out of the way. Remember my "perfect" job?
Esthetician right down the street from my home in a beooootiful salon? Where I instantly connected with the owner? Love at first sight ya might say. Then I got what I thought was the bad news, that the salon was moving locations to the next town, which seriously is 5-7 minutes away depending on traffic. Well, I really got the bad news now! In the new location there is a woman who does massage therapy and apparently is set up for facials and in her contract she has that no other eshtetician or massage therapist can lease in the same building as she. That sux for me people! New Boss says lets not give up yet, there may be a way around it and at the very least we can explain that I would not be "stealing" business from her but rather working from within the salon client base (which is 450 people!!) Here are some pics of my beoooootiful salon.

Oh! The good news. My frenemy & I have not spoken one whole year. The husband and her boyfriend are super good friends and we use to socialize all the time together on a regular basis, and I worked for the frenemy. This past weekend the husband & I were invited to a wedding and I knew the frenemy would be there and I had a sick feeling we would be seated at the same table so I had major anxiety. So, we go to the wedding and we are seated at the same table!!! To make a long story short the frenemy came up to me and gave me a hug and we started talking and just decided it was water under the bridge and we both mutually missed each other so "we're back together" hee hee. The friendship is back on and I am pretty pleased about that! Now, we can all hang out together again! When the frenemy & I were not speaking our mutual friends would hang out with us individually and now the dynamics are such that we can all hang together! the end.


wheresmymind said...

The salon looks great, but man, there are some real dogs there ;) Thank you...I'll be here all week!

The Dummy said...

That's a nice story. I always get a lift to hear people reconnecting after some not-too-pleasant past.

Hope you find a workaround for the salon! You know lawyers - they can work around ANYTHING.

Cute Jewess said...

Well, that's some good news about enhanced group dynamics. And let's hope things work out at the new salon. Though it's sucky of your boss to do this so soon after hiring you. And if she knew, she should have disclosed this snag!

Anny said...

ok first of all i'm loving the sheer curtains in the salon. it's awesome.

secondly, i saw frenemy at the gym last night and was ALMOST gonna extend the olive branch ...

but then the moment passed.

londongirl said...

V.glad that frenemy situation has been worked out - much easier for all concerned.

Bit pants of your boss not to have looked at the detail before taking you on... but hopefully it'll all work out. fingers crossed.

Heather said...

Oh I so hope it works out at the new salon. That would really stink. CAn you seriously lose your job bc of this other woman. that just doesn't seem right. And the salon is so pretty!!

Good news on the friendship! Hope it all works out wonderfully!

DebbieDoesLife said...

I hope this all works out at work.

Is 5 - 7 minutes away a lot??? Where I live you are lucky to work within 30 minutes of where you live!

Caroline said...

Salon looks lovely! ANd good on you for making nice with frenemy... It's always better to be free of all that angst I reckon. I'm a tad jealous! ;P

Lola xx