Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm officially an Este'

I passed my State Board written & practical test!! I now have my CA State Esthetican License. I am still in shock! I will be writing soon!


londongirl said...

oooh congratulations. I'll be coming to you for advice the next time I have a stupendously bad outcrop of spots!

acaligurl said...

ANY time lg! anytime!!!!!!!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh, come on over and pick my face! I wish I had an estetician friend because I'd let her work on my face anytime she wanted to! Congrats!

acaligurl said...

i love picking faces!! hee hee so midddle of somewhere isn't too far.

Heather said...

WOO HOO! Congrats! That's great news! What next?

PS--I donno what was up with blogger, re:comments on my blog, but I got your comments, no problem. One of them came in twice actually. Weird.

wheresmymind said...

Congrats cool kid!

Anny said...

ohhhhhh . so that's where u went! congrats!

Cute Jewess said...

Congrats! Too bad you're so far away :(

Unknown said...


acaligurl said...

hey jeff, you are not the only one to comment on the color i changed it... can you let me know if it is easier to read? on my end it looks fine.(thx 4 letting me know)

meishya~ hey i can't access your blog!!