http://podcast.fredflare.com/boombox/flare_player.html if you are looking for some fun holiday music, click on fred and dj chris has a fun selection . sammy davis jr. jose feliciano, jackson 5, the ronettes! vince guaraldi (linus & lucy!!) i'm dancing as i dust and vaccum! and luckily no one is home because i'm sure i am the only one enjoying my off key singing at the top of my lungs! (check out dj jen too "she's a bad mamajama".
u need to record us a sampling of that off key singing. :)
Very cool stuff!
if ur using "frenemy" then i'm using "mamajama" - tho i don't really know what that means. LOL
Dancing while dusting and vacuming can lead to a dirty house. ;)
Ilove the pitures you use for illustrations, thanks for popping by my blog. Congrats on your test!
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