Friday, September 22, 2006

My Entourage Story

I got my sweats on and my favorite beat up "beater"on . Brewed my best coffee, cut a GINORMOUS piece of chocolate pie and plopped down in my chair to watch the last episode of Entourage. The cliff hanger, the season finale, the episode that will make you come back next season. I tivoed it. (as by now you know i am in school all day) anyway, the show starts and the guys look great. Their lips are moving and I can't hear them, so I turn up the volume. louder, Louder, LOUDER..... however absoluely no sound is coming out. R U FRIGGIN'' JOKING ME RIGHT NOW? Apparently the show is tivoed but there is no sound. OMG I stare at the tv and INHALE my pie. I suppose I will just have to wait for it to replay before the season starts up again........


Anny said...

ohmagawd! i use the word "ginormous" too. it's catching on!!!

acaligurl said...

anny, "ginormous" and "strictly" forbodden (Bring it On) are my favorites!!